Each country has its hidden treasures, historical, architectural, or natural gems. But oblivion can bring the end of some, as time passes. Fortunately for some film locations in Poland, the movie industry has brought salvation. Once almost forgotten, some Polish monuments now have a chance to survive thanks to fame.

How The Movie Industry Saved Film Locations In Poland

Wondrous castles, quaint architecture, and impressive nature, all await filmmakers. And by that, we mean that film locations in Poland cover a wide variety of filming needs. So, on one hand, we can easily say that Polish backdrops can save filmmakers from a lot of trouble. But could it happen the other way around too?

The movie industry does take advantage of the telegenic features of old or new buildings. And that can sometimes be the salvation of monuments otherwise left to crumble. It is the case for the Ogrodzieniec Castle, featured in the Netflix hit series, The Witcher (2019). This picturesque castle (or better said, its ruins) had an epic appearance in the series. That was all it took for the world to turn its eyes towards it. Tourism spiked in the area, as more fans wanted to see for themselves the real shooting set. And this worked like magic for the 600-year-old ruins.

Another place rich in history, but on the verge of falling to the ground is the Orthodox church in Kniazie. It dates back to the end of the 18th century and is near the border with Ukraine. After appearing in the movie Cold War (2018), more than the eyes of the locals began caring for its future. The movie’s success fueled the hopes of turning the church into a tourist attraction.

As film locations in Poland turn into popular destinations, they get a chance to survive. May the odds be in their favor, we say.

A Surprisingly Versatile Polish Film Location

Finding a location to substitute harder-to-access areas of the world can be a real blessing. And throughout the years, filmmakers have learned to appreciate them. Among the most telegenic film locations in Poland, one truly stands out. Unexpectedly or not, the way it does that is through its versatility.

We are talking about Wrocław, a city that substituted so many other European cities in multiple films. Various international productions relied on its architecture to charm on film. In I, Olga Hepnarová (2016), the city got used as a replacement for Prague. But wait, there is more. Steven Spielberg found Wrocław as Berlin’s best substitute, for his Bridge Of Spies (2015). Paweł Pawlikowski’s Cold War (2018) also relied on this city to stand in for the German capital.

Mamoru Oshii found this Polish city ideal for a dystopian arena needed for his movie Avalon (2001). But if you think this is all, then you should know this city is the “capital of metamorphosis” in terms of movie sets. The action of Mike van Diem’s Character (1997) was all set in 1920s Rotterdam. But this Oscar-winning film was also shot in, you guessed, Wrocław.

Thinking about filming in Poland too? Let’s talk!